If you do only one thing on this entire list, make your website mobile friendly. There’s nothing else to say on this topic. As an entrepreneur, you have a million and one messages being sent at you as to what is the best way to grow your company brand.

Do NOT underestimate the impact of REVIEWS.

They aren’t always easy to ask for or come by, but reviews are golden. People now and in the future will continue to utilize influencers in deciding what to purchase. Do you look at reviews before you buy something new? Well, most likely, so are your customers. Whether they are sites like yelp.com, google reviews, or amazon reviews, people WILL read them! If you haven’t left a review about Bianca Frank Design, please do so now 🙂

Content Marketing…..what is it, and why do I care?

[Tweet “Storytelling, information pushing, quote spreading, inspiration giving CONTENT…is the way of the future.”] You can either get your brand on board now or get left. Content isn’t anything new; it’s just called something new.

Remember back in the day when you walked into a bar and “everyone knew your name”? Well, that’s because you interacted with those people regularly….and after some time, they began to like you! Well, that’s essentially what content is. You are giving people information about your product or service in a way that isn’t sales. It’s just “you”….your “human brand you” Read more about how to use social media for brand storytelling.


GET MOBILE! It’s your cheapest quick fix!

[Tweet “If you do only one thing on this list, make your website mobile friendly. There’s nothing else to say on this topic. “]


Without a budget, you can not have a Company Brand Social Media Marketing plan. It’s impossible. Planning takes budgeting. No matter how small your business is, you have to establish and stick with a reasonable budget. Too many times, a small business is waiting to implement a budget once they start making money. The problem is that you strictly lean on gaining customers by chance. You have to engage with your customers, explain why they need you, and continue to tell them that same story in various ways. Even if you are operating your social media marketing yourself, you still need a budget….even if that budget is sweat equity hours, you set aside monthly to market your business.

If you want help defining your brand story and getting mobile & social attention….contact us.