Local SEO (search engine optimization) is a highly effective way to get your business to rank well for locally relevant, less competitive keywords on Google Maps and in search engine results. However, you still need to create high-quality content that matches the search interest of your local (or regional) target market. Having these key metrics in place will help boost the visibility of your website.

Here are five types of content that will help boost your local SEO rankings and drive customers to your business.

City pages

City pages are essentially landing pages that feature content focused on a specific city. They give your business a chance to rank for city-specific keywords and search terms.

For example, let’s say that your company has locations in multiple cities. Publishing city pages on your website can help boost your local SEO results for each of those business locations. That gives your brand more exposure on Google Maps and Google search results by helping you reach a larger share of your target audience in each of your respective markets.

Just make sure that the content on each of your city pages is unique and relevant to that specific city.

FAQ (frequently asked questions) pages

FAQ pages are another important type of content that can improve your local SEO rankings. They are a great way to provide current and prospective customers with valuable information about your company. Remember, most users conduct search queries looking for an answer to a question. That means when someone is researching your company, they are likely looking for information related to your products or services, pricing, hours of operation, and location(s).

FAQ pages give you another opportunity to rank well on Google Maps for less competitive keywords related to your niche.

Specials and discounts

Users often search Google to find out whether a local business – that serves their needed product/service category – has any discounts or special offers. Most customers like finding great deals. Anyway, whenever your business runs a special promotion, you should publish content on your website about the special offer. In addition to boosting your site’s local SEO rankings, it will also help drive more customers to your business.

Local events

Another way to help your business rank better in local search results is to use your website to promote local events that your target market might be interested in.

For example, let’s say that you own a store that sells Western apparel and cowboy boots – and your community is getting ready to host a rodeo. Well, there is a very good chance that people interested in rodeos might also be interested in buying Western clothing and boots. Therefore, you could publish detailed content about the upcoming rodeo on your website or blog.

Whatever your niche is, you can likely find a list of local events that will be relevant to your target market.

Blog content

Finally, a blog can help keep your content fresh – which is a very important component of local SEO. Here are some blog post ideas that would likely appeal to local customers:

  • Announcements about opening new locations
  • New product or service announcements
  • Local history relevant to your industry and/or company
  • Changes in hours of operation
  • New hires and leadership changes at your company

In short, good local SEO results are always backed by good locally-relevant content. That can be city-specific pages for each of your business locations – and FAQ pages that provide customers with information about your company. Local customers are also likely interested in topics related to any discounts that you might be offering, as well as events in your area. Creating a blog content to Boost Your Local SEO in Anchorage results.